LIHEAP utility payments: How much you can get per state to cover air conditioning costs

In some states, residents of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance

Program have been able to receive some money to help pay for air conditioning in their homes this summer.

However, the amount that they receive varies by state.

With LIHEAP, recipients receive federally funded assistance to help reduce

the costs associated with home energy bills, energy crises,

and minor energy-related home repairs. Most often, this program benefits low-income households, 

especially those with high home energy burdens, or those with elderly or disabled members, 

as well as those with young children, according to the Health and Human Services Department.

Every state in the U.S. offers heating payments and crisis payments, 

with each state defining a crisis differently. There are, however, 

22 states that do not provide payments for cooling,

including Massachusetts, Alaska, and Ohio.

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