2023 Update on the 4th Stimulus Check: Eligible Americans Can Receive Up to $4,000 in Compensation – Check Your Qualification
In February 2022, personal information from nearly 18,000 Inntopia customers was accessed and stolen.
The lawsuit, Connor Rowe v. Sterling Valley Systems Inc., was filed in the Superior Court of Vermont last year,
alleging that the company failed to adequately protect customer information.
As part of the agreed settlement, affected customers can recover up to $500 to
Cover expenses related to the data breach that caused financial losses.
Furthermore, individuals within the class may be eligible for up to $3,500 in
Compensation if they can provide documentation demonstrating
"extraordinary loss reimbursement for documented monetary losses," as outlined by Top Class Actions.
Claimants will need to submit documentation to establish their eligibility,
Which may include invoices, receipts, billing statements, and a notice ID for class members.